It’s after 4:30, my legs and arms and face feel empty of life… yet my heart is beating rapidly. I hear the magpies outside, and there is a bee in my bedroom window.
I wonder what that bee is doing. How did it get in here? It must feel so trapped.
My bedroom, a mausoleum for bees and other creatures that can’t escape. Creatures like me.
I shift my legs from side to side, knowing I must move and create some deep breaths. It hurts to inhale…. So I exhale all the way until I have no more within me to give out-then my body sucks all the air it can possibly hold.
There is the magpie again.
And I need to help this bee find it’s way outside… it can’t seem to do it alone .
And like that…I am standing on my feet. Looking out the window… a storm is gathering itself.
Thank you for listening,